Tuesday, February 24, 2009

previously on Heroes S03E17 "Cold Wars"

This episode picks up right after Building 26 as Matt,Peter and Mohinder take Noah for questioning using Matt's ability. Nathan's plans was revealed when Matt sees into Noah's past. An interesting way to explain what's happening now, and a smart way to do it so that it make sense in a way. Matt finds out that Mohinder know about what Noah was involved in, which leads to a tussle between the two allowing Noah to escape.

But Peter gets back in time to take Noah. Noah's past revealed that despite his lies and ways, he does really care for the people who don't hurt anyone. The Hunter wants Nathan out of the way so that he can round up all the super-humans which is very predictable in my opinion.

Overall this episode provided a lot of revelations into how things came to this point, which I have been longing since this chapter started. This is a major improvement over the first few episodes in terms of where the series is heading. One thing that still kept me thinking is how in the world did Matt acquire his powers to paint the future. Is it in the food that he ate in the previous chapter? As far as I can remember Hiro also ate that shit and how come he can't draw the future.



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