Friday, July 23, 2010


After six months of having my own camera, I must say there's more to learn in this hobby. Most of the time I only used my camera on travel or when there's an event. As much as I want to attend basic photography session haven't had the luxury of time to do so. I've been feeling really flat with my photography lately, getting busy with work and among other things, and just can't seem to find inspiration  to take pictures.

I'm currently planning to do a variation of Project365, in which I won't shoot every single day but rather take as many pictures to fill up every single week (thus the name Project52) when I get the chance to go out or think of an interesting subject. I'm a bit hesitant on starting this project because eventually time will come when I get tired of it, and rather than taking pictures to improve I'll  just be contented uploading photos to reach my 52 weeks goal. Another thing is I'm lazy editing  photos. They say the best thing to do is  just take your camera with you every time and eventually  taking opportunities to shot will reveal themselves. Just need more extra effort as this kind of photography project  is definitely worth trying. I’m my own audience but constructive criticism, comments and suggestions are very much welcome. It's time to pick up the camera and start clicking.


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